열린 교실

2006학년도 수학능력시험

cassia 2005. 11. 23. 17:56

다음은 2006학년도 수학능력시험 언어영역 문제다.(아래한글 파일)

수능 언어영역 짝수형

수능 언어영역 홀수형



[수능] 영어 듣기 평가 문제


2006학년도 수학능력시험 3교시 외국어(영어)영역 듣기평가(MP3파일)
1. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 구입할 TV를 고르시오.

M: Which TV do you like?
W: I like the wide screen TV on the wall.
M: I do, too, but it's too expensive. We can't afford it.
W: Well, what about the big one under it?
M: It's too big. It won't fit in our living room.
W:Yeah, you're right. Why don't we get this one? It has a built-in tape player.
M:We already have a VCR. We don't need another tape player. What about the one on sale?
W: It's too small.
M: Well, that just leaves this one.
W: Oh, I like it.
M: OK. Let's get it.



3교시 외국어(영어)영역 듣기평가(MP3파일)


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